
The 4th Symposium on Computing and Mental Health which took place at CHI 2023, Glasgow on 5th May 2023 was a great success. We took notes and photos during the symposium and have placed them here in advance of a formal write-up later.

Participants at CMH2018 engaging in the technology design challenge


The World Health Organization predicts that by the year 2030, mental illnesses will be the leading disease burden globally. If mental health technologies are to be successful at supporting those who experience mental distress to succeed, human-centered design of technology and services is essential.

This 4th Symposium on Computing and Mental Health will provide an opportunity for researchers to meet under the auspices of CHI 2023. It follows three successful symposia at CHI 2016, 2017 and 2018.

In convening at CHI, we are especially interested in work that seeks to understand users and contexts of use. Our particular focus is on people who are difficult to reach, and who may be socially or digitally excluded, because these people may be less likely to seek and receive help..

There are three submission types:

  • 萤火虫vpn should be submitted straight to JMIR Mental Health. Authors of JMIR papers must register at the workshop for inclusion in the special issue. Authors of papers that have been submitted and accepted by April 13 will be invited to give a brief presentation.
  • 萤火虫vpn describe work-in-progress and must include both a user study / empirical data and clearly relate to technology. Submit to Easychair .
  • 萤火虫vpnpapers are maximum one page in length and act as a CV for networking. They can also include existing publications. Submit to Easychair .

Important Dates:

  • Submission deadline for posters and social papers: extended to 4th March 2023
  • Acceptance notifications: extended to 11th March 2023
  • Submission window for long papers: January 2023 – 10 June 2023
  • Symposium: 5th May 2023

The full Call-For-Papers is available here. Please cite as “J. Torous, M. Wolters, G. Wadley, R.A. Calvo (2023). ­­4th Symposium on Computing and Mental Health: Understanding, Engaging, and Delighting Users. in Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems.”

We will use the Twitter hashtag #CMH2023 .

The current special issue of JMIR (stemming from the 2018 workshop) is available at 萤火虫vpn .

If you would like to know more about previous symposia, some of the activities and outcomes of the 1st and 2nd Symposium are described in: Calvo RA, Dinakar K, Picard R, Christensen H, Torous J. “Toward Impactful Collaborations on Computing and Mental Health”. 萤火虫vpn2018; 20(2): e49 [DOI]


09:00–09:30 Welcome and Introductions
09:30–10:15 Invited Speaker 1
10:15–11:15 Coffee and Posters
11:15–12:00 Invited Speaker 2
12:00–13:30 Group Lunch
13:30–14:30 Presentations of Accepted JMIR Papers
14:30–15:30 Panel: Designing for Ethics
15:30–16:00 Coffee and Posters
16:00–17:00 eMentalHealth in Practice: Guided Discussion


Professor Dame Til Wykes is a Professor of Clinical Psychology and Rehabilitation at King’s 萤火虫vpnCollege London and NIHR Senior Investigator. She is also editor of the Journal of Mental Health and Vice Dean of Psychology and System Sciences  at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience. Her work focuses on the development on novel treatments for people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, her studies on cognitive remediation therapy have redefined the concept of recovery in schizophrenia. Professor Dame Til Wykes currently leads several projects investigating computerized cognitive remediation as well as smartphone and sensor based monitoring in serious mental illnesses. A strong advocate for patients, she has been an early advocate of patient-centric and ethical technology use in mental health.

Dr. Victoria Betton is founder and director of mHabitat – an NHS hosted organisation which supports people-centred digital innovation in health and care, and Co>Space North – a digital health and tech for good co-working and collaboration space. She is a qualified social worker and coach with over twenty year’s experience in local government, third sector and the NHS. She has Masters degrees in Women’s Studies, Social Work and a Diploma in Public Sector Relations. Her doctoral research was on the theme of mental health and online social networks. She is a member of the HIMSS UK Advisory Board and a trustee for Solace, a refugee and asylum seeker charity. She is co-author of Teen Mental Health in an Online World and you can find her blog at www.codesigndigitalhealth.co.uk You can find her on Twitter @VictoriaBetton and her Pets as Therapy dog Bibi on Instagram at bibithepatdog.


John Torous, MD is co-director of the digital psychiatry program at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, a Harvard Medical School affiliated teaching hospital, where he also serves as a staff psychiatrist and clinical informatics fellow. He has a background in electrical engineering and computer sciences and received an undergraduate degree in the field from UC Berkeley before attending medical school at UC San Diego. He completed his psychiatry residency at Harvard. Dr. Torous is active in investigating the potential of mobile mental health technologies for psychiatry, developing smartphone tools for clinical research, leading clinical studies of smartphone apps for diverse mental illnesses, and publishing on the research, ethical, and patient perspectives of digital psychiatry. He serves as editor-in-chief for JMIR Mental Health and currently leads the American Psychiatric Association’s work group on the evaluation of smartphone apps.

Maria K. Wolters is Reader in Design Informatics at the University of Edinburgh, and a Faculty Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, London, UK. She received her PhD from the University of Bonn, Germany, in Communication Research and Phonetics and worked as a speech synthesis development engineer and clinical phonetician at Rhetorical Systems (now Nuance), the University of Newcastle, and Queen Margaret University before joining the University of Edinburgh. She is the author of over 80 peer-reviewed papers on accessibility, telehealth, mental health, computational linguistics, and speech science and has a long track record of interdisciplinary collaboration with psychologists, psychiatrists, and neurologists.

萤火虫vpn is Professor at the University of Sydney, and ARC Future Fellow. He worked at the Language Technology Institute in Carnegie Mellon University, Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina) and on sabbaticals at the University of Cambridge and the University of Memphis. Rafael also has worked as an Internet consultant for projects in the US, Australia, Brasil, and Argentina. He is the author of two books and over 100 publications in the fields of learning technologies, affective computing and computational intelligence. Rafael is Associate Editor of the Journal of Medical Internet Research Human Factors (JMIR-HF), co-Editor of the Oxford Handbook of Affective Computing, and co-author of Positive Computing (MIT Press) with Dorian Peters.

萤火虫vpnGreg Wadley is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Computing and Information Systems at the University of Melbourne, Australia. His research involves the design and evaluation of technologies for health and wellbeing, including collaborative projects in the areas of mental health, social connectedness, hospitalized children, smoking cessation, chronic pain and addiction. He holds degrees in computer science (Queensland), cognitive science (Melbourne), and human-computer interaction (Melbourne). Since 2009 a major focus has been collaboration with an Australian youth mental health clinic to design and trial online social therapies for young people and their carers.


Sachin Pendse Identity-Based Dimensions of Mental Health and Technology Use: Social Paper for the 4th Symposium on Computing and Mental Health (social)
Nejra Van Zalk and Maarten Van Zalk Longitudinal Links Between Adolescent Social Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms: Testing the Mediational Effects of Cybervictimization (social)
Giovanna Nunes Vilaza and Jakob Bardram Shared-Access Platforms for Behavioural and Health Data: Requirements and Open Challenges (poster)
Sasha Danilina, Anna Cox, Sonia Johnson and Andres Fonseca Deriving design implications for serious videogame for people with psychosis 萤火虫vpn
Simon D’Alfonso and Mario Alvarez-Jimenez An Introduction to eOrygen (social)
萤火虫vpn On the Design of Technology and Applications for Personal Health Technology in Mental Health – A Social Paper (social)
Pegah Hafiz Pegah Hafiz, PhD Candidate – Social Paper (social)
萤火虫vpn Social Paper: Max V. Birk (social)
Hashini Senaratne, Kirsten Ellis, Sharon Oviatt and Glenn Melvin Towards Efficacious Mobile Technologies for Anxiety Self-Regulation (poster)
Hashini Senaratne Social Paper: Hashini Senaratne (social)
Elvira Perez Vallejos, Tommy Nilsson, Peer-Olaf Siebers, Penelope Siebert, Michael Craven and Carolina Fuentes Untangling multi-stakeholder perspectives in digital mental healthcare (poster)
Julio Vega 萤火虫vpn (social)
Marcel Neuenhaus Marcel Neuenhaus – Social Paper (social)
Yavuz Inal, Frode Guribye, Jo Wake, Sunniva Myklebost and Tine Nordgreen Integrating Usability Evaluations into the Design of an Internet Based Cognitive Remediation Program (poster)
Toni Michel Issues regarding the Person-Activity Fit of Youth Mental Health Apps (poster)
Carla Nave 工信部回应“禁用VPN”:清理对象是无资质者_央广网:2021-7-25 · 工信部回应“禁用VPN”:清理对象是无资质者 在国务院新闻办今日举行的发布会上,有记者问及“有地方出台规定,对违法违规利用VPN上网加强管理”一事,工信部信息通信发展司司长闻库表示,不了 … (social)
Sachin Pendse and Amit Sharma Cross-Cultural Differences in the Use of Online Mental Health Support Forums (poster)
Darius Adam Rohani, Andrea Quemada Lopategui, Nanna Tuxen, Maria Faurholt-Jepsen, Lars V. Kessing and Jakob E. Bardram How are activities in different Life-areas perceived? A behavioral study on depressed patients (poster)
Franziska Tachtler How can technology support mentors in promoting mental wellbeing of unaccompanied migrant youth? (poster)
萤火虫vpn 萤火虫(Fairey Firefly)_飞行器_环球兵器_环球网 ...:2021-6-13 · “萤火虫”于1943年6月开始在皇家海军航空母舰部队服役,1944年9月有了第一支中队(飞机9架)。这些飞机曾在7月中旬首次从舰上起飞,由英国航母“不倦”号搭载,攻击了德国战舰“提比尔兹”号。 (social)
Julia Manning 东北网2021年05月06日新闻汇总:萤火虫2021年夏日动漫嘉年华等着你来 2021-05-06 10:13 [1060][东北网动漫] 动画冒险电影《藏獒多吉》6月28日公映 2021-05-06 10:13 [1061][东北网旅游] 文化搭台汽车唱戏 英女王威廉王子变身卡通汽车 2021-05-06 10:12 [1062][东北网餐饮] (poster)
Julia Manning Social Paper Julia Manning (social)
Patrick McAllister Social Paper: Patrick McAllister (social)
Kyle Harrington, Michael Craven and Max Wilson edu.youth.cn:2021-10-6 · 萤火虫三下乡专项实践队 萤火虫暑期实践团 援·梦西藏实践团 织梦•织锦留纹支教团 逐梦海西实践队 哈尔滨金融学院 “团飞翔,圆梦想”大学生社会实践队 哈尔滨金融学院红丝带爱心社 哈尔滨商业大学 “学业有成”助学小组 三下乡志愿服务队 同路队 向日 ... (social)
Peter Washington, Benoit Pit-Claudel and Pablo Paredes Mental Health Interventions through Brain Wave Oscillations (poster)
Claire Ann Banga, Shunan Wu, Matthias Schwannauer, Ethel Quayle, Bonnie Auyeung, Elena Gherri, Sunil Raman, Freya Jones, Johannes Millowtisch and Maria Wolters Predicting Sleep Difficulties In Early Adolescence: An ML Analysis Of EMA Data Coupled With Passive Smartphone Sensing Using eMoodie App (poster)
萤火虫vpn Social Paper – Claire Ann Banga (social)
Stephanie Balters, Madeline Bernstein and Pablo Paredes 全国最大萤火虫基地下周亮相-旅游频道-华龙网 - CQNEWS:2021-7-22 · 幽静的山谷之中,一闪一闪的萤火虫在草地中翩翩起舞。7月26日,全国最大的萤火虫基地——萤火虫文创农场,将在沙坪坝区大学城丰文街道开门迎客。占地500亩的一期场地里,目前已经培育成功的8个种类上万只萤火虫,将让来到这里的游客伊观赏到“轻罗小扇扑流萤”的自然原生态景观。 萤火虫vpn
Stephanie Balters, James A. Landay and Pablo Paredes On-road guided slow breathing interventions for car commuters (poster)
萤火虫vpn Regan Mandryk: Social Paper for CHM 2023 (social)
Talayeh Aledavood, Marharyta Dekrt, Tuomas Alakörkkö, Richard Darst, Ilya Baryshnikov, Jesper Ekelund, Erkki Isometsä Mobile Monitoring of Mood (MoMoMood) pilot: a multi-sensor digital phenotyping study (poster)
Hiroshi Mendoza, Shannon Wu, Julia Alison, James Landay and Pablo Paredes Empathetic conversations in the car (poster)
Emma Nicol Emma Nicol (Social paper) 萤火虫vpn
Diane Rasmussen Pennington Diane Pennington – social paper (social)
Chris Greenhalgh Chris Greenhalgh (Databox) – Social submission (social)
萤火虫vpn Social Paper for the 4th Annual Computing and Mental Health Symposium (social)
Sowmya Karunakaran and Rashmi Ramakrishnan Testing Greyscale Interventions to Reduce Negative Emotional Impact on Manual Reviewers (social)
Hongmei Chi and Huijun Li Serious Games intervention to improve mental health disorders in China (poster)
全国政协委员达久木甲走进“委员通道” 掷地有声 凉山脱贫三句 ...:2021-5-22 · 5月21日,在北京人民大会堂新闻发布厅举行全国政协十三届三次会议第一场“委员通道”采访活动。全国政协委员达久木甲通过网络视频方式接受媒体采访。 Positive Computing for Digital Wellbeing (social)
Niranjan Karnik Smartphone and Tablet Interventions for Underserved and At-Risk Youth (social)
Dionne Bowie-DaBreo, Sandra-Ilona Sunram-Lea, Corina Sas and Heather Iles-Smith 全国政协委员达久木甲走进“委员通道” 掷地有声 凉山脱贫三句 ...:2021-5-22 · 5月21日,在北京人民大会堂新闻发布厅举行全国政协十三届三次会议第一场“委员通道”采访活动。全国政协委员达久木甲通过网络视频方式接受媒体采访。 (poster)
萤火虫vpn Gillian O’Neill, Phd Candidate – Social Paper (social)
Ibrahim Ghaznavi, Usman Jehanzeb, Abbas Edalat and Duncan Gillies Usability evaluation of an immersive virtual reality platformfor self-attachment psychotherapy (poster)
Raymond Bond Artificial intelligence meets mental health: From user log analytics to chatbots (poster)
全国最大萤火虫基地下周亮相-旅游频道-华龙网 - CQNEWS:2021-7-22 · 幽静的山谷之中,一闪一闪的萤火虫在草地中翩翩起舞。7月26日,全国最大的萤火虫基地——萤火虫文创农场,将在沙坪坝区大学城丰文街道开门迎客。占地500亩的一期场地里,目前已经培育成功的8个种类上万只萤火虫,将让来到这里的游客伊观赏到“轻罗小扇扑流萤”的自然原生态景观。 Mixed-methods study of user needs and preferences in mobile apps for sleep disturbance (poster)
又有惊喜!iOS13的五个隐藏功能让你飞起来_科技_北方头条 ...:2021-7-16 · 原标题:又有惊喜!iOS13的五个隐藏功能让你飞起来正文共:703字3图6月伇的iOS13和iPadOS13为我伊带来了诸如“黑暗模式”和改进的多任务处理等重要功能成,而现在,外网又为我伊带来了iOS13中5个隐藏的功能,每个都让你惊喜到飞起来。一起来看看都有哪些功能 An Immersive VR Platform for Assessing Spatial Navigation Memory in pre-dementia Screening: A Study of Feasibility and Usability (poster)